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Artist Statement

Since I was a young girl, I've had a love for art. I have always had an eye for creativity and I've enjoyed expressing that. Through my ceramic classes I have devolped a simplistic style that tend to be more sculptural. As I continue taking ceramics, I want to step out of my comfort zone and make pieces that are on the bigger scale.

When I plan out my work I like to keep it noncomplex, however, when it comes to putting it together I stray away from my original design, unintentionally. I mainly use studio clay but when I have the chance I use porcelain because I admire the delicate look it displays. A common theme within my art is the use of patterns. The use of patterns add detail and interest to my smaller works. 

Currently, my work does lean towards patterns and I hope to branch out to find a style more eye catching and sophisticated. For next year, I hope to take inspiration from my surroundings.

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